Didn't make it to the DogParty? Well, the DogParty's coming to you! Many dogs aren't shown on here because the videographer could only stay a short time. People waited to see if it was going to rain before they showed up about an hour later. But, you'll get the gist of what we're doing! At the end of the day, we raised over $12,000 for the Veterans Fund!!!
Lets Talk Tailwaggers Furry Fall Festival 2012
Let's Talk Tailwaggers Veterinarian
My veterinarian Dr. Volz, did a wonderful job on his TV Show. Lots of great information is on here. You'll enjoy this one!
DogParty 3 an Overwhelming Success
"Surf", an 11 year old Shepherd mix who was adopted at 6 years old
from the WAHS and then brought back 5 years later, met her new family at the
When I met Surf with her volunteer walker Pat, at Mingo a few
months earlier, her story gave me the fuel that I needed to keep working toward
our goal. How heartbreaking to be put into a shelter situation at any age, let
alone, 11 years old. Her eyes told the story of pain and abandonment and I knew
that she wondered why she was there and what she did wrong.
A nice lady who attended the Furry Fall Festival ~ Pets for U.S.
Vets, who already has a couple of senior dogs, said that Surf would fit right in
with her family.
In addition to this wonderful news, we were able to raise over
$12,000 with the help of the Claysville American Legion Riders, Post 639 with a
check for $2,500 and an anonymous Korean War Veteran and the daughter of a
Korean War Veteran, who matched our $6,000 raised.
All week, the weather kept calling for a wash out. We prayed
that the rain would stop by 9AM, registration time, and it did exactly that.
After all week of weathermen calling for a total rainy mess, that morning's
weather report showed the storm actually circling away from 84 Fitness Center's
pavilion where the DogParty was to be. When we got to the corner of 136 and 519
where the DogParty was held, the roads were dry! Not
ONE drop of rain on our outdoor party! The sun came out shortly
I Wish I Could Explain...
I wish I could explain to the shelter dogs and cats that there are people on the "outside" who are working day and night to help them get adopted. When I visited the Washington Area Humane Society yesterday, I felt that way as I looked at two old Beagle sisters that weren't wanted anymore by their family. I looked at "Surf", an 11 year old sweet, Shepherd mix who was adopted at 6 years old and brought back 5 years later. The puppies were oblivious. They hadn't lived long enough to wonder why they were abandoned or separated from their families and homes. They weren't old enough to feel rejection every time someone passed them by.
That is why, this weekend's DogParty is so important. Please plan to attend and dress warmly. We have a large pavilion if it does shower a bit. Please don't let the weather keep you from attending. I can't explain the weather to those animals, either.
We have LOTS of pretty Chinese Auction stuff! We'll be auctioning a scratch-off lottery board with lots of tickets on it. We'll have a 50/50 and a FREE 1 year 84 Fitness Center membership to raffle. We have the wonderful Patriotic Presentation and a Blessing of the Animals. We have interesting vendors and of course, That Guy With the Birds.
But, most of all, we are honoring our veterans for their service and we are giving the shelter dogs a day out at a DogParty. And if we're lucky, someone will fall in love and a little soul will be healed.