Program provides Pets for U.S. Vets | Lifestyles | Observer-Reporter

Program provides Pets for U.S. Vets | Lifestyles | Observer-Reporter

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The Legion Riders

Claysville American Legion Riders Rock!


But, they wouldn't let me lead the ride!

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The "Pets for U.S. Vets" Ride Again!!!

The Claysville American Legion Riders Post 639 have done it, again! President Tim Hammett organized a Fox and Hound ride to raise money for the Veterans Fund at the Washington Area Humane Society. It turned out to be a beautiful day and lots of great people showed up to donate.

The Veterans Fund at the WAHS allows our local veterans to adopt at no charge. The dogs and cats are spayed/neutered, UTD on shots and a 1 year wellness program is included in the adoption. Please donate to or adopt from this wonderful program. It is helping two organizations at one time: our local veterans and our homeless shelter pets.

Over the course of the last 5 years, this program has found homes for close to 250 animals. You can contact me, Suzi Smith, personally at with any ideas for fund raising or check with the WAHS. If you donate at the WAHS, please mark "VETERANS FUND" on your check. Scroll to the very beginning to read about how and why this program was started. Our Veterans are the most important people to our country. Thank You to all of them! Pooches Gracious!

I have some pictures to post from yesterday's ride. I will do that as soon as my computer acts right. :-)      So, in the meantime, enjoy this picture of 3 of my 4 hounds from an earlier DogParty...

"Working together in our community and making a difference."

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Let's Talk Tailwaggers The Garretts

Find out what the Pets for U.S.Vets program is all about. Hudson was one of the very first dogs adopted out of our program. Please adopt/donate to this program. It's really working and has been since 2010!

"Working together in our community and making a difference."

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Fox and Hounds Bike Ride

 Thanks to Tim Hammett and the Claysville American Legion for making this happen!
No adoption fee at the Washington Area Humane Society for our local veterans. 
Thank you for your service to our wonderful country. See you Saturday!


WHICH BENEFITS {PETS FOR U.S.VETS PROGRAM @ the Washington Area Humane Society}
REGISTRATION IS FROM 9:30-10:30 K.S.U. AT 11:00


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Pets for U.S. Vets

Thank you for visiting this page. For a three year period, 2010, 2011 and 2012, myself and a small group of people were able to raise money for the Veterans Fund at the Washington Area Humane Society. I started the fund in 2010 so our local U.S.Veterans would not have to pay adoption fees at the WAHS. I believe strongly that we need to respect and take care of our veterans who have and continue to keep us safe.
Those three years were grueling, lots of fun and very rewarding. Many animals have been placed through this program. As I step aside from the fundraising aspect, I'm putting out a call to anyone who wants to help keep money in this fund. If you can organize an event for the Veterans Fund, please contact the Washington Area Humane Society 724-222-PETS and speak with management or the program director and pitch your idea. It doesn't have to be a huge production like I've done in raising close to $30,000 in those 3 years. It could be a bake sale or any type of fundraising event. The sky's the limit. I just wanted to make sure the program got a great start and could hold it's own. Please read through this blog from the beginning if you wish to know how and why all of this came about. Thank you for your interest. Let's show our respect and gratitude for our local veterans and help them get matched up with our local homeless pets. 
In 2014, our program adopted out 49 pets to local veterans!!! Thank you, Lynette (program mgr. at the WAHS) for the wonderful updates on adoptions.

Suzi Smith

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