Hudson Lee Gets Adopted at DogParty!

Hudson Lee

Traveling down a lonely road,
tired and full of fleas...
I was so scared and hungry,
could someone help me, please?

The Humane Society took me in;
gave me a place to lay my head...
I dreamt of someplace special,
with a big, soft, fluffy bed...

A DogParty was coming soon,
I overheard them say...
"Pets for U.S. Vets", they said,
"it's coming any day"...

The Furry Fall Festival was so much fun;
a day out of the cage and able to run...
I found my forever family that day,
so, off to my big, soft, fluffy bed to stay!

Thank you to Bill and Linda for adopting Hudson through the Pets for U.S. Vets
program. Hudson is now living the life that all dogs and cats should live. He is one of several dogs that were adopted at the DogParty on Oct. 8. Please pass the word on about The Pets for U.S. Vets Program. And of course, cats are part of this program, too.

Hudson Lee, a little shih-tzu, found his forever home during the 2nd annual Furry Fall Festival-Pets for U.S. Vets. A wonderful family, a U.S. Veteran and his wife, fell in love with him on that 80*, sunny day in the 84 ball fields. Many dogs there were up for adoption, but they only had eyes for him. Anyone watching could see that Hudson felt the same way... It was truly meant to be!

Lots more are waiting...

"Working together in our community and making a difference."
Suzi Smith PHD (perfect hound dogs)

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WAHS 2001 Alumni Hound Speaks Out

"I'd like to say THANKS to all who helped make this year's DogParty a total success!
Your kindness has enabled others like me (and cats, too) find loving homes with local U.S. Veterans...
Please take a moment to "sniff out" the new Veteran's Fund created by my Mom, at the Washington Area Humane Society."
"Working together in our community and making a difference."

- Harley Grant Smith PHD (Perfect Hound Dog) WAHS 2001 Alumni

A Note From Harley's Mom:
This year's DogParty was very special to me. It was in honor and memory of all U.S. Veterans past and present. It was in special memory of my Dad, Bernard Louis Frabell, a WWII Marine and my best friend. We lost him in May of this year and it was an uphill struggle for me to continue to put this DogParty together. But, it has been well worth the effort. It kept me extremely busy with the day to day stuff that goes along with educating the public and also asking for donations and begging for the animals. We knew going into this effort that if we raised $5,000 this year, an anonymous Korean War Veteran and a daughter of a Korean War Veteran would match the $5,000. In the middle of the Chinese Auction, about 2 PM, Lynn (84 Fitness Manager) got my attention and said that we met our goal. We both were crying at this point. The extra $5,000 means so much to the animals that are waiting day after day in cages for someone to adopt them. These funds are meant to help make it easier in these tough economic times for our Veterans to adopt a wonderful best friend. I can promise you, from my experience, that when you get an animal out of a shelter, they understand the magnitude of what you have done and they will be forever grateful for your love. Please help to spread the word on the Veterans Fund. Lets do this!
Your Pal, Suzi Smith

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Legion Riders raise $ for the Veterans Fund

The Legion Riders of Post 639 in Claysville have done it, again. On September 24th, they successfully raised a generous amount of $ for the Veterans Fund. It was a beautiful day for a ride and many veterans showed up to participate. These men and women have been extremely supportive of our get as many pets as possible adopted out of the Washington Area Humane Society to our local Veterans. The Veteran Fund takes care of the adoption fee. Adopting a pet out of our local shelter is a great deal. The dog or cat is spayed/neutered, up to date on shots and micro-chipped. Please pass the word along about this wonderful program.

If you can feel safe doing your daily chores and moving about in our community,
THANK A VETERAN! Remember "All gave some, some gave all."
Case closed-Legion Riders ROCK!

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